A small self-funded employer group was spending about $500k annually on medical expenses and needed a way to contain costs. The group had little insight into the types of claims that were driving costs, if claims were being processed according to plan provisions, or if provider bills were correct.
The MMN solution was able to identify and address those areas that were impacting the employer’s healthcare spending trends as well as reduced employee out-of-pocket expenses. As part of the program, the employer received a Unique Savings Report which included key metrics around cost drivers, audit results, and savings opportunities. Additionally, recommendations around strategies to educate and inform employees about price transparency, available setting alternatives, and bill negotiation, created a combined effort to control cost and reinstate the value of their benefit plan.
As a result, the employer realized $28,000.00 in plan savings and employee out-of-pocket expenses were reduced by $12,800.00. Twenty-two percent (22%) in plan savings, in the first three months.
While this plan is small, the experience is representative of what most employers can expect.